I found a solution that give free or plus account over at Livejournal, Insanejournal or Dreamwidth the possibility to get random headers without heavy coding.
Category Archives: Tutorial
I’m using Photoshop CS2. This tutorial involves selective colouring, but it’s not mandatory that you use it. Although it also contains curves, it’s possible to achieve the same outcome by screening your base multiple times. So, this tutorial is translatable.
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We’ll be trying to make this banner:
The basic points of this tutorial are blending of images using fancy, fuzzy masks; texture overlays, a bit of adjustment layers and visual cheats.
Uses Photoshop cs2. Adjustment layers, Selective coloring, Hue/saturation, Fill layers, Masks.
It assumes you know how to create and transform layers, make and edit Adjustment layers, group layers, make and edit masks.
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Now we’re gonna MAKE the header!
For a start you’ll need screen caps and/or hi res images. You can always make your own screen caps. One way to do this is by using a VLC player (free download here). There are ways to get hold of screen caps online though. For instance: marilla_pm67 has an extensive screen caps gallery (as well as a lot of hi res images) here: Reminicient Designs and there’s always kwaf – but they only have s1, s5 and parts of s2.
Enough of this exposiotion stuff!! This is the reason why my tutorials always gets too long. *face/palm*
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It’s with a great amount of dread that I’m finally posting this ‘tutorial’. While making it I more than once thought to myself: “What the F*uck was I thinking? A TEXT tutorial???”.
This will most probably be even more scattered than normal, but I’m gonna try to let you in on how I’m thinking while working with text on icons – and larger graphics as well.
Before we begin let me make one thing clear: This is how I do it and how MY mind works. This is NOT in any way a “Do it like this – or else…” because like anything, text and the way you use it is totally subjective. It all comes down to personal taste. But maybe you can get some inspiration or at least a good laugh at my expense. 😛
Ready? This is VERY image heavy.
Here goes….
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From this –> to this –>
Works with PS CS2 and up only, I think. I’m quite sure ^__^”
Again – for most of you this is old hat, but I thought I should do this anyway. Just to have it posted somewhere.
I’m gonna do a very superficial demo of the most common Layer Blends and a couple of useful tools in the Tools Palette.
There’s actually one other useful thing about this post – if you have a copy of Photoshop that “speaks” another language than English *waves at sunshine63*, this might help in finding the tools mentioned in tutorials. To my knowledge the menu’s are “built” the same way regardless of language. 😉
Let’s get started, shall we?
As usual – I’m using Photoshop CS2, but CS3 and down to 7.0 (as I understand it) has all the same features.
Warning: VERY image heavy under the cut.
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I’ve been playing a bit with colors lately and thought I would share some.
As usual – I’m all scattered brained and I’m guessing a lot of the steps are unnecessary, but to me that’s half the fun. I’m piling stuff into the layers palette and see what comes out of it.
To be able to follow this tutorial you’ll need at least general knowledge about the software (at least for the last step, where I got a bit lazy).
Enough dancing around the issue! Let’s get started.
I’m using Photoshop CS2.
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we’re going to go from to
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Today, we’re going to make a nuzzly icon. i love the nuzzle. the nuzzle is so very underrated. okay, lets make with the pretty.
we’re going from to