From this –> to this –>
Works with PS CS2 and up only, I think. I’m quite sure ^__^”
I cropped my picture 100×60 because I couldn’t come up with a decent 100×100 crop :DDD
And I figure it doesn’t matter anyway what’s the size of your image, as this is pretty much a simple coloring tutorial 😉
And I’d say it works with bluish/cyanish images, yes. In my case, it’s a screencap of Justin at Babylon, so the colors are totally off :X
Crop your pic, and DON’T SHARPEN! (well, sharpen it if you really want to…bwah xD)
1) Layer –> New Adjustment Layer –> Levels. Settings: RGB 0 / 1,10 / 255
Subtle, but I needed to have a brighter image without increasing the contrast before I start playing with the coloring.
From this point on, I’ll be using a color balance layer after the other. Of course you can change the values/add more-skip some steps according to your own needs. You MUST, if you want to get anything remotely nice-looking 😀
2) Layer –> New Adjustment Layer –> Color Balance. Settings: (‘preserve luminosity’ is checked and will be checked throughout the tut whenever color balance layers are used, and that’s often) midtones +35 / 0 / 0, shadows +15 / 0 / 0, highlights +35 / 0 / -25
3) Color Balance Layer, again. Settings: midtones +15 / 0 / 0, shadows +15 / -5 / -10, highlights +20 / 0 / -20
4) Color Balance Layer, again. Settings: midtones +15 / 0 / -10, shadows +15 / 0 / +10, highlights +20 / 0 / -25
5) Color Balance Layer, again. Settings: midtones +30 / 0 / -20, shadows +15 / 0 / 0, highlights +15 / 0 / -15
6) Color Balance Layer, again. Settings: midtones -20 / 0 / +15, shadows +8 / 0 / -10, highlights +15 / 0 / -15
7) Color Balance Layer, again. Settings: midtones -20 / -5 / +5, shadows +5 / 0 / -5, highlights -8 / -5 / -20
8) Layer –> New Adjustment Layer –> Photo Filter. Settings: (mode: normal) filter –> cooling filter (82) 15%, ‘preserve luminosity’ is checked.
9) Color Balance Layer, again. Settings: midtones +5 / 0 / -10, shadows +5 / 0 / -5, highlights +8 / 0 / -10
10) Layer –> New Adjustment Layer –> Selective Color. Settings: (method: relative) reds +25 / -10 / 0 / +5, yellows +20 / +10 / -10 / -8
Now select the base in the layer pallet, and sharpen: Filter –> Sharpen –> Sharpen.
Personally, I don’t like over sharpening, so my next step is: Edit –> Fade Sharpen –> Opacity: 15% (yes, I know now the sharpening is VERY subtle. I like that, alright ;P)
Here’s my layer pallet, it’s in Italian, though lol. Sorry about that xD
Ok then. I guess now you can do whatever you want with your icon. Add textures, add text, fuck it up some. I ended up with the icon I’m posting with now 😀
Comments are lovely, and so are questions. If you do end up using this I would love to see what you make out of it!
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