I’ve been playing a bit with colors lately and thought I would share some.
As usual – I’m all scattered brained and I’m guessing a lot of the steps are unnecessary, but to me that’s half the fun. I’m piling stuff into the layers palette and see what comes out of it.
To be able to follow this tutorial you’ll need at least general knowledge about the software (at least for the last step, where I got a bit lazy).
Enough dancing around the issue! Let’s get started.
I’m using Photoshop CS2.
And we’re gonna go….
Link to original Screen Cap
Screen cap by the lovely sanami276
Edit: The last sentence in the tutorial is supposed to be: “…I blur the background too a little with the Blur tool.” Somehow I managed to cut that last word out… *face/palm* Sorry about that.
Two other icons I made with the same technique:
Both are shareable naturally – credit = ♥
Comments are lovely, and so are questions. If you do end up using this I would love to see what you make out of it!
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