1. Duplicate the base twice, set the first layer to Screen 100%, the second to 47%. Depending on your picture this may vary.
2. To enhance the blue in Brian’s a bit, add a Color Balance layer.
When I increase one color in Midtones, I always add at least a bit of the complementory color in Shadows, and vice versa. This keeps the colors more natural.
Midtones : -33 0 0
Shadows : +29 0 0
3. To add more color, add a Selective Color layer. I want the focus on the blue and red of the coat and shirt, so we’re going to enhance blue and red, and reduce yellow.
Cyan: -40
Magenta: 0
Yellow: +25
Black: 0
Cyan: 0
Magenta: +5
Yellow: -52
Black: 0
Cyan: +31
Magenta: +12
Yellow: +8
Black: 0
4. Duplicate the Selective Color layer from step 4.
5. Add more contrast with a Levels Adjustment layer.
RGB: Input Levels: 32 / 1,19 / 255
6. The color of the coat is nice, but the second SC layer added too much red/orange to the faces. Take away some of that with a new Selective Color layer.
Cyan: -5
Magenta: +4
Yellow: +23
Black: +4
Cyan: 0
Magenta: 0
Yellow: -74
Black: 0
Cyan: 0
Magenta: -14
Yellow: -10
Black: 0
7. For a bit of a muted effect add a fill layer with a very dark blue (#050c1c), set it to Exclusion 100%.
8. For richer and darker colors, add a grey grunge texture and set it to Color Burn 73%.
9. Now you’re done with the coloring.
I added one of my scratch textures, moved it a bit down and set it to Screen 56%. Then I erased the part that covered their faces.
10. To add a bit more contrast, add a Curves Adjustment (without any values) and set it to Soft Light 37%
11. Add some text and tiny text, and you’re done.
The smaller text on top is FuturaCondLightE, size 6 px, tracking +200, Sharp
The larger text is Futura Condensed Thin, size 18 px, tracking 0, Strong
Comments are lovely, and so are questions. If you do end up using this I would love to see what you make out of it!
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