In this post I will add words that are normally used when working with graphics that can be a bit confusing to understand at first. I’ll do my best to keep it alphabetical.
This is a Work In Progress…
To blend two or more images together. For example to make a collage.
To “cut down” an image to the size you want.
Layer blends
Not to be confused with blending. This is an effect you can apply on a layer. Examples of layer blend modes are: Screen, Soft Light, Multiply, Exclusion etc.
Manip/s – Manipulations
To manipulate an image. In same cases it referres to for example when the graphics artist put one person’s head on somebody else’s body.
An image that can be pasted into a layer and by changing the layer blend mode will bring different feels and looks to the finished image.
If you know of any word that should be here but isn’t, don’t hesitate to comment about it here and I’ll add it to the list. Same with if you have stumbled upon a word that you don’t understand. I’ll do my best to answer you and then add it to the list.